Voluntary fire station in Bajina Basta

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Voluntary fire station today

      Today, voluntary fire station has over 200 members: full time,
assisting and honorary.  It is comprised of operative firefighters unit who are professionally trained and materially and technically equipped for extinguishing fire and saving people and their property, as well as other elemental disaster.

      Very significant factor is educating students from high school. In
2006 new 19 members attained membership, and a training course and final examination were organized for the calling of firemen.

      Voluntary fire station has all the conditions for carrying out
activities as prescribed by the law of vocation: training of personnel,
seminar classes, and preparation for the final exam for the voluntary
firemen, giving professional assistance in fire safety and servicing
equipment for the needs of the station.

    Fire station was built in 1976, and renovated in 2005. It is equally
used by the members of the Department for the protection and safety
(Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia) as well as the members of Voluntary fire station, who own most of the equipment and

     From 1987, Club 93 is active in the station and is open to all the
members every day.

     Patron of the Voluntary fire station is St. George, and all the firemen
celebrate May 6, St George's Day, when traditionally celebration starts at dawn with all the firemen and citizens of Bajna  Basta.

       The station cooperates with all the associations and organizations that have the same or similar program orientation.
Просторије ДВД-а Просторије ДВД-а Просторије ДВД-а
Просторије ДВД-а Ђурђевдански уранак- Слава ДВД-а  Ђурђевдански уранак- Слава ДВД-а
Ђурђевдански уранак- Слава ДВД-а  Ђурђевдански уранак- Слава ДВД-а  Ђурђевдански уранак- Слава ДВД-а
Уручивање диплома ДВД-а у Клубу "93" Уручивање диплома ДВД-а у Клубу "93" Полгање


The History of Voluntary fire station

          Voluntary fire station in Bajna Basta was founded as a troop for
the first time in 1933. At that time, the leaders of Raca district were very
ambitious group of people with Luka B. Petkovic at the head, a merchant and
a mayor of the district. The same man was one of the founders and the first
president of the fire station. Dragutin Kozlovski (a Russian), was the first
in command, and Milosav Radosavljevic a secretary. The troop had about 50
uniformed firemen. The first flag with a coat of arms of the Kingdom on one
side, and an icon of St. George on the other, was bestowed by Miloje
Rajakovic, merchant from Perucac, minister in the government at that time.

          During the World War II, fire squad showed remarkable work in
extinguishing fires in buildings that were put in flames many times by
German military aviation. In the same period, the most part of Voluntary
fire station archive was destroyed.

           In 1946, the first organized activities of firemen in Bajna Basta
were recorded, and on December 15, 1949, work in the fire station was
renewed in new socialist state.

           The first professional fireman and commander of Voluntary fire
station  Petar-Pero Rakic (1928-1991), who organized volunteers and at the
same time taught many professional firemen, was in charge until 1978.

          To mention only bigger events, Voluntary fire station was the
organizer of the Third meeting of the firemen pioneers of Serbia in 1983 in
Bajna Basta with 1500 participants as well as many regional competitions in

          Firemen of Voluntary fire station participated in humanitarian aid
after elemental catastrophe: cleaning up of debris after an earthquake in
Skopje in 1963 and saving from floods in Svilajnac in 1970.



Дефиле након пријема заставе -1964. година Среско такмичење у Бајиној Башти - 1965 година Првомајски уранак - 1964 година Ватрогасци са прагом у Перућцу
50 Година ДВД-а у Бајиној Башти - 1983 година ОВТ - 1986 година Треће место у региону 1986 -година Професионална ватрогасна јединица - 1999 година





Добровољно ватрогасно друштво "Бајна Башта" 2007